
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Post You're About to Read

I just paid $1.99/gallon for gasoline. I know it could have been purchased even more cheaply had I the inclination to drive around and look for a better price, but I still feel pretty good about the $1.99. I actually managed to fill up my tank (I have a Ford Escape) for only $26.00!! What completely stinks is that just before gas prices went way up, I had a cute little economical Honda Civic coupe. Hindsight is 20/20. Hindsight is also kind of an annoying know-it-all who spends too much time with that Monday morning quarterback dude. I'm not sure who is a worse influence on who. (Or should that be "whom?" To speak English good is not my strong point.)

I'm in the process of moving. I'd intended to move late December, but the apartment complex I live in has sort of gotten scary. I'm moving in with my parents. Before proceeding further I feel compelled to holler, "I PAY RENT!!!!" I may be a little sensitive, but 30 year olds who live with Mom and Dad tend to be mocked. I'll be heading back to grad school shortly and I'd already determined I needed to find a roommate. My parents offered themselves.

For some unfathomable reason, my parents insist they absolutely love having me there. This may have something to do with the aforementioned rent I pay as well as my willingness to do just about any chore thrown my direction. I'm one of those people who find it difficult to sit still if someone else is moving around. My stepmother is one of those people who find it difficult to sit still, period. The end result is she gets a lot of help from me. She likes that. Ergo, she likes having me there. Plus I get along with my parents. I'd actually like them a bunch even if we weren't related. So I feel fine about living with them. Which, naturally, explains the last 2 paragraphs justifying the decision!

Anyway, my sister came over after work yesterday to bully me into packing. I'm a very tidy person, but I'm a born packrat. Every nook and cranny is filled with STUFF. I have too much stuff. So Faithie came over to nag, um I mean bully, no wait, I mean help me by insisting I get rid of things that the little packrat in me wants to hang on to.

We came across an envelope filled with pictures from a trip we took a few years ago to visit our mother and stepfather. A lot of the pictures were of Alicia, our little sister, who died last January. There were also a great many pictures of Alicia's daughter, our neice. I'm glad Faith was there because I'm afraid I would have gotten maudlin over them. As it was, there were a couple of moments where we both just stopped for a moment to remember. She was a pretty girl. I miss her!

Okay, stuff to get rid of. Gotta go!


Blogger Sam said...

Izzy, I'm going to let you in a a secret....

In April of this year I had a bad financial crisis and had to... ugh!... move in with my parents!
I'm 42 and it's embaressing sometimes. My parents are in their late 70's so I'm there to help them out alot, but in Jan/Feb I'm going to get an apartment with my soon-to-be-19 year-old son.
So, good luck with the move.
I'm sorry about your sister, who you've told me about, and I'm glad that my project was so close to your heart :-)

9:01 AM  
Blogger Izzybella said...

Hey, Sam. You totally just made me feel better. Except I'm really sorry about your financial crisis and hope things turn around for you. Sounds like you've had a rough year. Hope this coming one is much better!!

1:42 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Thanks Izzy, I hope it will be, and I'm glad I could make you feel better :-)

10:09 PM  

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