
Friday, September 08, 2006

Liz's Alphabet

A is for Age: 34
B is for booze of choice: Not so much with the booze.
C is for Career: Writer-in-training? No? Okay, they pay me to be an Administrative Assistant.
D is for Dog: Make that Dogs(s), as in Baxter and Cydney.
E is essential items you use/love everyday: Get Even powder by Benefit and lip tattoo Avon.
F is for favorite song of the moment: Back on "She Sells Sanctuary" by the Cult.
G is for favorite games: Like watching basketball both live and on television; only like baseball live; when I'm feeling masochistic, I enjoy getting soundly beaten by my sister at Trivial Pursuit (HOW can anyone have so much crap rattling around in their brain???)
H is for hometown: Born in Atlanta, GA, but I'm a Texan by default.
I is for instruments you play: I can make a really cool sound when I blow into an almost empty soda bottle. Something about that sounds wrong.
J is for jam or jelly you like: Grape.
K is for kids: None.
L is for last kiss: Baxter the dog. Yes, I'm aware that's very sad.
M is for most admired trait: I'm very honest. Mostly. See? I'm even honest about that.
N is for name of your crush: Alas, I am crushless at the moment.
O is for overnight hospital stays: None.
P is for phobias: Spiders, roaches, and snakes, oh my!
Q is for quotations you like: "There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line." Oscar Levant. "I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then." Lewis Carroll.
R is for biggest regret: Quitting.
S is for sweets of your choice: Dark chocolate.
T is for time you wake up: As late as possible.
U is for underwear: Yes, I wear it.
V is for vegetables you love: Brussell sprouts, lima peans, peas, corn and cooked broccoli and carrots.
W is for worst habit: Emotional eating. Biting fingernails. Lots of bad habits here.
X is for x-rays you've had: Usually my teeth, but once for my foot.
Y is for yummy food you make: I tend to make very good soup. But in general, I don't cook. I prefer to eat other people's cooking.
Z is for zodiac: Sagittarius.


Blogger Faith said...

You make most excellent chicken spaghetti! And I'm glad to know that you do, in fact, wear underwear. 'Cause, ugh, going commando is just kinda gross with some clothing, and downright nasty with others.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Izzybella said...

I do make excellent chicken spaghetti, don't I? How could I have forgotten?

You know, some people enjoy going commando and find it very comfortable. I'm just sayin'.

8:57 AM  

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