
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Another Book Meme Stolen From My Sister

I wasn't going to steal it and told her so, after which she emailed me and told me to steal it. She used exclamation marks. I really had no choice.

1. You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451. Which book do you want to be?

Pride and Prejudice would be good--any book with good, strong female characters.

2. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

Mr. Darcy. So very dreamy. Actually, Colin Firth playing him in the BBC P&P might have had an impact on the crush.

3. The last book you bought is:

There and Back Again by Sean Astin with Joe Layden. Interesting read from an actor's perspective. When I went to B&N to link to the book here, I read some of the reviews and was surprised by how many people just thought he was an ass. I liked the book well enough, and although I must, with all due respect, scoff at his insistence that he's middle-America, I still think he seems relatively grounded for a movie actor. Sure he's insecure and self-absorbed. He's an actor. If he were confident and focused on the welfare of others, he'd choose a different type of career, like say education or social work.

4. The last book you read is:

Falcon at the Portal by Elizabeth Peters. Started reading it last night when I couldn't sleep. I actually didn't quite finish it--still have about 60 pages to go. The Amelia Peabody series is one of my favorites. Very funny.

5. What are you currently reading?

Oh, I guess I should have put Falcon at the Portal here.

6. Five books you would take to a deserted island: I read a lot of books, but few that I want to read over and over again. Generally speaking, they'd have to be books that I enjoy re-reading, so:

Harry Potter. Like my sister, I'm counting all six (eventually seven) books as one book.

Chronicles of Narnia. Once again, counting them all as one book. I cheat like a dirty dog, don't I?

Diaries of LM Montgomery. Yet again, I count them all as one book. Do you think cheaters really go to hell? She's an interesting person and I appreciate the dichotomy between the sweetness and light she wrote about against the stormy discontent she constantly struggled against.

The Watcher's Guides. Stealing from my sister again and since she counted them as one book, I am too. She's a bad example. Inspiring me to cheat...

One more, huh? Sheesh, I dunno. How about I emulate Gwyndolyn (Importance of Being Ernest) and say my own diary "because one should always have something sensational to read on the train." Er. The island. Whatever.


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